It's almost time to start a new year, and I know what you're thinking. How can I be more productive next year? How can I get more done? What tools, tricks, apps, or processes will help me dig out of my never-ending to-do list.

Sounds like you need a "Productivity Hack." But do you?? A productivity hack might help you get more done in less time. But what if not everything on your list is actually worth doing?

What you really need is a "Prioritization Hack.  A method to help you take time wastes OFF your to-do list and not do them at all. I KNOW! It's a mind-blowing concept. Don't do more--do less and only what's important.

I can hear you laughing, but stick with me, embracing this concept will change your life.


So, where should you start? First, you start with understanding the difference between urgent, important, not urgent, not important, Habit 3, First Things First, from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Use the quadrant to document your many to-do items.

Then I encourage you to go one step beyond. For every task you deem necessary, ask yourself, "WHY."

"Why do I need to stay up until midnight baking cookies from scratch. Is it to keep up with the other moms who stay home? Is it to impress them? Why aren't bakery cookies good enough?"

"Why do I need to attend every function I'm invited to? Will people think I'm anti-social? Will I miss out on something? Will my life be better or worse tomorrow if I skip the event and take some time for self-care, family movie night, or exercise?"

"Why do I take on more work than I can do in a reasonable number of hours. Is it so I can get a promotion? Is it so my boss will see me as valuable and important? If working an excessive number of hours a week in and week out is what I need to do to impress my boss and get promoted, will the personal sacrifice be worth it?

The only question you should be asking yourself when making your to-do list is, "will what I'm doing get me closer to or farther away from the life I want?" People are checking off too many things that do nothing but help them tread water.


Do these two exercises and answer this question, "what will you remove from your to-do list, so you have more time for what's meaningful and fulfilling?"

I can't wait to hear your comments.



It's 2022--What Will you Do This Year??
