Does Your Outside Match Your Inside?
Some may view personal image or how we dress as superficial or shallow. Others feel it’s an unnecessary evil of society—having to “dress the part.” These perceptions are often voiced by people who don’t fully understand what personal image is about. It goes well beyond just clothes.
Personal image serves a similar purpose to a company’s brand—especially during a job search or when you’re working hard to gain respect and credibility at work. Personal image is an outward expression of what’s inside. It tells the world who you are, how to treat you, and where you’re going in life. More importantly, it tells the world how you feel about yourself.
People spend a great deal of time and money getting an education, certifications, paying their dues, and seeking personal growth. Yet their image says, “I’m insecure,” “I don’t matter,” “I don’t care.” And for job seekers of a certain age, an outdated personal image says you’re not current, relevant, or up to date with what’s going on in the world.
Poor personal image is not just about clothes and hair. When you don’t feel you look your best, it’s reflected in your body language. You don’t easily make eye contact; you don’t hold your head up; you don’t walk with confidence or speak up. If YOU don’t have confidence in yourself and your ability, others won’t either.
Personal image can be a roadblock or an accelerator in every area of life.
Showing up every day like you mean it--as a confident and put-together version of yourself will help you gain the respect, credibility, and success you deserve. And the coolest part is, even when you don’t feel 100% confident on the inside, dressing like you are, actually changes your mindset. Everything is connected.
So ask yourself, what are you putting out into the world every day?