You know what I read a lot on LinkedIn?

“I’ve sent out 100 resumes and have only has one interview?”

“I’ve sent out hundreds of resumes and hardly ever hear back.”

“I’ve been job searching for months and making no progress.”

Did you do the following every time? Or at least most of the time?

If not, it’s like throwing a dart at a target you can’t see.

  • Take time to submit a complete and TARGETED resume. This means you’re applying for a job you’re mostly qualified for and carefully customized the resume to match the job posting.

  • Do deep research on the company and write a memorable cover letter that shows your "how", "what", and "why". Why you want to work there, why the job appeals to you, what you offer that would add value.

  • Find the right contacts for addressing your cover letter--then connect with them online by sending a customized message.

  • Fill out the job application completely and correctly. Don’t leave any fields blank, don’t enter N/A or 0 for the salary question, and don’t enter “see resume”. Fill in everything and always follow the directions in the job posting.

  • Follow up after a week or two with another brief, customized message.

Show the recruiter you took time to understand the company and the job.

Like with everything in life, higher-quality input delivers higher-quality results!



5 Reasons You Didn't Get the Job